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Citron Triage

From Wikimedia Usability Initiative

Issues that need to be tackled in Citron before release


  • Major
    • Text Selection - most context.fn.* functions need IE implementations
    • Extra new line at the beginning of the content of the iframe in IE
    • Random bugs and mysteries

Template Editing

  • Major
    • Editable folding
    • 'Capsule' finalizing
    • Cross-browser testing
    • Folding of <ref> tags (optional, but probably easy)
    • Use background image for clickable expand/collapse instead of image (IE lets you drag the button around)
    • IE 8 in "broken" mode display issues
    • infinite loops
  • Features
    • nested collapsible templates


  • Major
    • Update section highlighting when cursor is moved
    • Ellipsis is not updating on resize, and size calculations are off (margins aren't being calculated properly)
    • Only working when main document scroll bar was at the top
  • Minor
    • Pointer cursor seems to not stick, should be similar cursor behavior as the special characters and help booklet indexes have
    • Needs to automatically size down and eventually hide when browser is being resized and toolbar has no more horizontal room (see below issue with toolbar expandable section wrapping)
    • When resizing using right side of scrollbar, grab gets lost while cursor is over the scrollbar, maybe cover the scroll-bar with an invisible div to prevent the scrollbar from grabbing the cursor


  • Minor
    • Expandable section tabs must NEVER scale, or must wrap properly