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From Wikimedia Usability Initiative

Standard English Wikipedia Extensions

The following list of extensions are installed on the prototype wiki, in reflection of the currently installed extensions on English Wikipedia except those which are beyond the scope or needs of this project.

Extension Summary
CategoryTree Dynamically navigate the category structure
Cite Adds <ref[ name=id]> and <references/> tags, for citations
ConfirmEdit Simple captcha implementation
ExpandTemplates Expands templates, parser functions and variables to show expanded wikitext and preview rendered page
ImageMap Allows client-side clickable image maps using <imagemap> tag
InputBox Allow inclusion of predefined HTML forms
OggHandler Handler for Ogg Theora and Vorbis files, with JavaScript player
ParserFunctions Enhance parser with logical functions
Poem Adds <poem> tag for poem formatting
SyntaxHighlight Provides syntax highlighting <source> using GeSHi Highlighter
WikiHiero Adds <hiero> tag to display hieroglyphs