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Beta Feedback Survey/Reason for Leaving

From Wikimedia Usability Initiative
Internal document This is an internal document

While making small fixes to this page like fixing typos and dead-links is encouraged, any changes which significantly modify the information of this page should be suggested on the discussion page instead, as this is an internal document.

For the Opt-Out survey, we asked users to indicate why they were leaving the beta. The choices were:

  • Too hard to use
  • Did not function properly
  • Did not perform predictably
  • I did not like the way it looked
  • I did not like the new tabs and layout
  • I did not like the new toolbar
  • Other

Here is the breakdown of the responses for the top 10 language wikis;

The cells shaded red indicate areas where the particular language wiki had responses notably worse than average.

  • zhwiki and "Did not function properly." The overall retention for zhwiki, however, is about average at 77%.
  • ruwiki and "Did not like the way it looked." The overall retention for ruwiki was also about average at 79%.
  • plwiki and "Did not like the new toolbar." This may have been caused by the interoperability with refTool.
  • jawiki and "Too hard to use."
  • dewiki and plwiki and "did not like the new tabs and layout." For dewiki, this may be because longer German words caused spacing issues with the tabs. This issues should be fixed with the upcoming cascading tabs feature.
  • jawiki and zhwiki and "Did not function predictably."