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Releases/Babaco/Compatibility Matrix

From Wikimedia Usability Initiative

Browser Compatibility Matrix for features in Babaco

You may also be interested in the compatibility matrix for features in Acai.

Internet Explorer Firefox Chrome Safari Opera Camino
5.5 6 7 8 9 1 2* 3 3.5 1 2 3 3 4 5 iP 9 9.5 9.6 9.8 10 1.6
0.1% 13.6% 15.1% 10.6% 0.0% 0.5% 1.9% 24.0% 21.0% 0.1% 6.1% 0.8% 0.7% 3.7% 4.5% 0.4% 0.1% 2.0% 0.1% 0.1% 0.1% 0.1%
Navigable TOC -- -- P P -- -- -- P P P P P P P P -- -- -- -- -- P P
Dialogs: Internal/External Links -- -- P P -- -- -- P P -- -- P -- P P -- -- -- -- -- P P
Dialogs: Insert Tables -- -- P P -- -- -- P P -- -- P P P P -- -- -- -- -- P P
Dialogs: Search and Replace -- -- F P -- -- -- P P -- -- P -- P P -- -- -- -- -- -- P
Watch/Unwatch -- -- P P -- -- P P P P P P P P P -- -- -- P P P P
Collapsing Tabs -- -- P P -- -- P P P P P P P P P -- -- -- P P P P
Search Suggestions -- -- P P -- -- P P P P P P P P P -- -- -- P P P P
Collapsible Templates -- -- -- -- -- -- -- P P -- -- -- -- -- P -- -- -- -- -- -- --

Estimated browser distribution based on information from w3schools.com as of August 2009


Mark Description
P Pass: Renders and functions properly
F Fail: Does not render or function properly
XF Expected Fail: Does not render or function properly, but is not expected to due to expected browser limitations
RF RTL Fail: Renders and functions properly in left to right mode, but not in right to left (as seen on our

http://prototype.wikimedia.org/ar ).

-- For the browsers which were not part of the test
* For Firefox and above

How can I help?

We need more people to follow our testing procedure and report back to us on their experiences. Uploading screenshots and adding information to the discussion page is a great way to help us out!

Testing Procedure

  • Visit prototype.wikimedia.org [2]

Navigable Table of Contents

  • Visit featured article [3]
  • Click edit [4]
  • Verify the table of contents matches the content of the article
  • Verify clicking on the links in the table of contents scrolls the textarea and moves the cursor to the right place
  • Verify that moving the cursor from one section to another causes the various sections to be highlighted in the table of contents

Internal Links

  • Move the cursor to the end of the article
  • Click the link icon
  • Verify that a dialog appears titled "Insert link"
  • Verify that entering the letter "A" causes the link suggestions box to display a list of articles beginning with the letter "A" and the status icon become orange (there is no article for the letter A)
  • Verify that clicking one of the suggestions causes the field to be filled with the article's title and the status icon become green (there is an article with that title).
  • Change the value of the link text field
  • Click the button labeled "Insert"
  • Verify that the dialog closed and the expected wiki-text was inserted after the cursor

External Links

  • Move the cursor to the end of the article
  • Click the link icon
  • Verify that a dialog appears titled "Insert link"
  • Click the "To an external web page" tab
  • Verify the contents of the dialog changed to include a field labeled "Link URL"
  • Add "en.wikipedia.org" (or any other URL) to the value of the link URL field
  • Add "Wikipedia" (or any other text) to the value of the link text field
  • Click the button labeled "Insert"
  • Verify that the dialog closed and the expected wiki-text was inserted after the cursor


  • Click the advanced toolbar section tab (if the section is not already visible)
  • Move the cursor to the end of the article
  • Click the table icon
  • Verify that a dialog appears titled "Insert table"
  • Click the checkbox labeled "Include header row"
  • Click the button labeled "Insert"
  • Verify that the dialog closed and the expected wiki-text was inserted after the cursor

Search and Replace

  • Click the search and replace icon
  • Verify that a dialog appears titled "Search and replace"
  • Enter "Williams" (or any other string contained in the document) to the field labeled "Search for"
  • Enter "TESTING" (or any other string different from the value of the search for field) to the field labeled "Replace with"
  • Click the button labeled "Replace"
  • Verify that the dialog closed and the all instances of the value of the search for field have been replaced with the value of the replace with field