Environment Survey/MediaWiki Skins/Results
- Visually appealing tabs
- Search field appears in the top right section of the screen, which is common on many sites
- Left toolbar styled in soothing colors and larger text
- Logo, tabs, and search are all integrated into a single page header
- Centered layout
- Left toolbar section titles are highlighted clearly
- Search field appears in the top right section of the screen, which is common on many sites
- "Go" button next to the search field removed, leaving only the "Search" button
- Logo, tabs, and search are all integrated into a single page header
- Fixed width, centered layout
- Search field appears in the top right section of the screen, which is common on many sites
- Tabs are highlighted well
- Fixed width layout
- Article content is clearly separated from surrounding layout
- Table of contents is right aligned
- Section headers and "edit" links are visually linked together
- Visually appealing tabs
- Search field appears in the top right section of the screen, which is common on many sites
- Left toolbar section titles are highlighted clearly
- Tabs are replaced by buttons that match the section edit links
- Section headers and "edit" links are visually linked together
- Search field appears in the top right section of the screen, which is common on many sites
- Centered layout
- Edit links are more styled and more visible
- Save and Preview buttons are centered and styled to be more visible